All You Need To Know About Air Conditioning In Winter

We have compiled a list of answers to some of the most common questions about the operation of air conditioners in the winter.

In winter, an air conditioner can save us from the cold and а warm and cozy home is a priority for everyone. But not everything is visible at first glance. We will list a few things that everyone should know about air conditioners in the winter.

Modern air conditioners can help achieve the desired air temperature, both in summer and in winter. The air conditioner can simply reverse its function, which also allows it to work efficiently during winters, letting warm air into the room. Speaking of efficiency, you may be interested in how air conditioning works most economically – whether it’s summer or winter.

Although air conditioners work in winter, there are still some precautions to keep in mind when it comes to efficient heating. If you plan to use your air conditioner during winter, you can take some of this advice we have prepared for you. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about air conditioning during winter months to help you understand the basic principles of operation of the air conditioner.

  1. Use the warm air conditioning mode

One of the most unpleasant moments in winter is when you have to get up in the morning in a completely cold room. Everyone knows the feeling when you don’t want to go out of the bed, because of the discomfort you will experience from the temperature difference outside of your bed. To solve this problem, most air conditioners have a built-in timer function. Set the timer for your air conditioner so that it starts working for about 30 to 45 minutes before you have to get up. The same goes for the moments when you come home cold and you need to warm up the house. Take advantage of the comfort of returning to a warm and cozy house by setting up your air conditioner to heat it up before you return. You can’t expect your house to be warmed up right at the moment you turn it on, it takes time.

  1. When does it get too cold for the air conditioner?

All household appliances, including air conditioners, have limits of their capabilities and if exceeded, they can not work as intended. Regardless of the model or type of air conditioner, under certain conditions, it cannot work completely efficiently.

In general, the minimum outdoor temperature for air conditioning operation is about 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Below this temperature, the refrigerant does not work at full capacity and deviations begin appearing. Starting the air conditioner below this temperature can damage the appliance, for example

  • Freezing of refrigerated coils;
  • Folding the grease;
  • Damage to moving parts and bearings.
  1. Freezing of cooling coils

While the air conditioner is working, you can see water dripping from the unit outside. In winter, this condensed water can freeze over the coils and accumulate on them. With ice frozen above the coils, the air can not be heated.

Due to the operation of the air conditioner, while it is frozen, the cooling coils can be punctured and then replaced. To prevent this, let the ice thaw for a few hours. But it is best to contact your air conditioning service.

  1. The higher set temperature cannot always be reached

During the cold winter days, the operation of the air conditioner is more difficult, especially if it has not worked all day and when you go home, you set it at 28°. Just because the remote says 28° does not mean that the air conditioner will actually achieve this temperature. The final result is unlikely to exceed 26° when the outside temperature is 7° or less. You should bear in mind that the hot air rises and the cold air falls down. This is called air stratification. It is normal for some parts of the room to be warmer than others, especially at different heights.

  • How can we help the heating capabilities of the air conditioner?

The outdoor unit of your air conditioner is exposed to rain and dirt throughout the year. In winter, the appliance sucks in cold air and brings warm air into the room. There is no way to influence the weather outside, but we can help the efficient operation of the air conditioner. Install blinds and put curtains to stop the cold outside air from penetrating inside. In addition, make sure that you do not leave any windows open, otherwise, all the warm air will be sucked out immediately.

  1. Functionality

Your air conditioner is designed to cool or heat 80% of your home at once along with the functional area. This means that you only need to warm those rooms you use. In winter, there is no point in heating the room if no one has been there for 2 hours. Instead, direct the airflow to rooms that are often used. As a kitchen, living room, or main corridor. This means that you will feel the heating effect much faster and your system will work much more efficiently.

  1. Remove, clean or replace

If your air conditioner is not serviced for more than a year, your filter is likely to be clogged with dust, dirt, and hair. In retail outlets, the air that passes through must also pass through a filter. For air conditioners with a split system, the filters are in front and the air passes through them when leaving the device. If your air conditioner has washable filters, use this opportunity and wash it, and then let it dry. Make sure it is completely dried before putting it back in. If you have a disposable filter, it cannot be washed and must be replaced.

Using your air conditioner in extreme conditions requires monitoring and periodic inspection to make sure it works as efficiently as possible and there is no risk of damage. To view our current suggestions, you can browse through our current specials.


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